Tuesday, August 23, 2011

LDS Safe House of Dubuque

There was a church safe house. It was a lot like a regular church building, similar colors, features, designs, religious portraits here and there, only modified intensely for a place for people to live in. There was a small chapel that was open and connected with the living room/foyer. Across the hall from that was a very large kitchen that was stocked FULL of food and necessary equipment. There was a large-ish dining room. Probably enough for 20 people to eat at a time. The planning was set out so that no more than 20 people would need to be eating at a time because there would always be work to do if you were living in the safe house. Then if you went back to the hallway and headed down it, you would have closets packed full of supplies like sleeping bags, first aid, bathroom supplies, clean sheets, towels, extra clothing, etc. Keep going and there were several rooms. There was one large suite, and it was a suite meant for people passing through who needed a place to stay for a night, or for daily workers at the safe house who were hired/volunteered to stay for the week to make sure everything is kept secure. All of the rooms had a few beds in them and a small bathroom connected to each one with a toilet and sink. Showers were in another room, separate from the bedroom, and there were maybe a dozen of them, all with their own stall.
I have here a diagram of how the building was laid out. :) (click on it to enlarge the picture)
After looking through the building, I was then hired as a maid to keep things clean there. I had one partner and one girl who was the boss of us. The boss was a snobby selfish girl who ultimately wanted to have us killed. My partner was a weak defenseless girl, so of course (as usual in my dreams), I had to take charge. I outsmarted the snobby girl, let the church leaders know what had gone on, and then quit. I head out on a motorcycle (what??????). Then I was in town and some people were kind of laughing about the mormon's safe building for some reason. I just told them it's actually a really smart thing to have and they'll wish they had a plan some day if they don't listen now. I kind of felt like Noah. Then I got on my bike and rode on the roads that often appear in some of my dreams around Dubuque. Roads that don't exist but I always go exploring anyway because I am curious as to where they lead and where they exit. Then I was back in town and it was halloween. I could float/fly! So I decided to be batman and since I was just pretending to be him, I would just pretend to ride a motorcycle. So I flew along, posed as if I were riding a motorcycle, and had fun!

I've had a number of dreams where I can float/fly and I use it to my advantage. It is so fun and feels so real, I wish I could do it in real life. I just defy gravity and go wherever I want. Oh if I could fly. I would fly everywhere and would never drive a car ever again! Unless it's raining, of course. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flying, Pregnant, and Uncle Greg

I have not been able to post much lately due to my busy work schedule. I am working two jobs currently, so I barely have time to sit down and collect memories of my dreams and share the stories on here. As funny as it sounds, once school starts back up, I'll actually be a lot less busy and will have more downtime and will be able to post more often!

Last night was full of anxiety, dread, curiosity and frustration. Kind of like this whole week has been.

My dreams were all jumbled together last night, I kept skipping from world to world, back to a previous on, and on to the other one. It was confusing, but I will do my best to explain! I viewed most of the dream from above the top of my head, and sometimes as if I was actually there from my own eye's perspective, but occasionally as a third person watching the whole scene, seeing myself.
I was with my sisters. They were all younger, back when we were all kids. But I was older than I am now. Molly was probably 8 or 9, Sally was about 7, Grace was 5 or 6 and Oliver was the age he is now, 9. I was in my mid-late twenties, probably around 27. Yet I was also only my age. I was pregnant with absolutely no reason for being so. I just was. And I knew in the dream like I know in life today that I am not ready for a kid. I have sleep problems enough as it is, having a kid would make me terribly sick. But I was very pregnant and having a hard time. Yet I was floating. My siblings were putting on a talent show at home for our parents and aunts and uncles and some friends' parents. It was corny and cute. I was part of a little acting scene - a bird, because I could just sit there and float. I was glowing yellow and was tiny then, except for the times when I would get too high and wouldn't be able to see the ground beneath me, then I would be large and pregnant but I had forgotten about the little show. Molly and Sally got upset with me for not doing my part right, like little kids would.
Then I found out I had another uncle on my dad's side of the family. He was disowned because he wanted to be. He was one of my science teachers in high school. He knew who I was and knew a lot about me, and I was so confused as to why I had never been told this, but I really wanted to know what had happened, why he was so resentful towards my deceased grandpa and wouldn't talk to my grandma, would pretend my dad and uncles don't exist, and my dad and uncles did the same to him. Yet this guy saw me and told me who he was, in such a way that he sounded resentful, but I knew he told me partially because he doesn't want his former family to forget who he is and why he left or something.
Then Sally and I were in downtown Dubuque, looking at some odd old stores. It was also an airport kind of place and I was waiting to either leave or for someone to arrive. Sally and I got a job at this really odd clothing store that sold clothes that I hated. They were too organic-esque and too wacky for my taste. Plus the management of the place was really awful. The break room was basically a walk-in broom closet, dark brown with a single dull yellow light bulb that you turn on with a thin string. An old computer from the 90s was jammed by the door, a dark little microwave was shoved on a high self, and old broom and mop sat collecting mold and dust in the corner, it was too warm and muggy, and there were extremely old punch cards with an old clock machine for clocking in that didn't work anymore. I quit there and somehow returned back to the pregnant world and my long-lost uncle. He ridiculed me for being pregnant, and I just felt awful about myself.

Then I woke up and was late to work today.

I am so tired.
Hopefully happier dreams will be on the way.